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What You Need to Know About Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI and How to Install It

Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI: What Is It and How to Use It

If you are looking for a powerful and flexible tool to create, view, and interact with reports, you might want to check out Crystal Reports. Crystal Reports is a popular reporting software that allows you to design, generate, and deliver reports from various data sources. You can use Crystal Reports to create interactive reports that include charts, graphs, tables, maps, and more.

crystal activex report viewer library xi

But how can you access and use these reports from your web or desktop applications? That's where ActiveX comes in. ActiveX is a technology that enables software components to interact with each other in a networked environment. ActiveX controls are small programs that can be embedded in web pages or applications to provide additional functionality.

One of the most useful ActiveX controls for Crystal Reports users is the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI. This is a library that allows you to view and manipulate Crystal Reports files in your web or desktop applications. With this library, you can:

  • Open, refresh, print, export, and save reports

  • Navigate through report pages and groups

  • Zoom in and out of report contents

  • Search for text within reports

  • Select parameters and filters for reports

  • Drill down into report details

In this article, we will show you how to install, use, and troubleshoot the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI in different environments. By the end of this article, you will be able to leverage the power of Crystal Reports in your web or desktop applications.

How to Install Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI

Before you can use the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI, you need to install it on your client computer. The installation process is not very complicated, but it requires some manual steps. Here are the system requirements and prerequisites for installing the library:

  • You need to have Windows XP or later as your operating system.

  • You need to have Internet Explorer 6 or later as your web browser.

  • You need to have Crystal Reports XI or later as your reporting software.

  • You need to have administrator privileges on your client computer.

Once you have met these requirements, you can follow these steps to manually install the library on your client computer:

  • Locate the file on your server. Depending on the version of Crystal Reports or Business Objects Enterprise that is installed, this would be in either the C:\Program Files (x86)\Business Objects\common\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Business Objects or Crystal Decisions path under the ActiveXControls folder.

  • Copy the file to your client computer.

  • Extract the .cab file into a local folder Open a command prompt as an administrator and navigate to the folder where you extracted the .cab file.

Run the following commands to register the library on your client computer: regsvr32 /s CRViewer.dll

regsvr32 /s ReportParameterDialog.dll

regsvr32 /s PrintControl.dll

regsvr32 /s sviewhlp.dll

regsvr32 /s swebrs.dll

  • Close the command prompt and delete the .cab file and the extracted folder.

Congratulations, you have successfully installed the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI on your client computer. You can now use it to view and interact with Crystal Reports files in your web or desktop applications.

How to Use Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI in Different Environments

The Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI can be used in different environments, depending on your needs and preferences. In this section, we will show you how to use the library in three common scenarios: in a web browser, in a Windows application, and in a Delphi application.

How to Use Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI in a Web Browser

If you want to view and interact with Crystal Reports files in a web browser, you can use the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI as an ActiveX control. This means that you can embed the library in a web page and use its methods and properties to manipulate the reports. Here are the steps to use the library in a web browser:

Create a web page that contains an tag that references the library. For example:

Add some code to initialize the library and load a report file. For example, using JavaScript:

// Get a reference to the CRViewer object var crviewer = document.getElementById("CRViewer"); // Set some properties of the CRViewer object crviewer.ViewSource = ""; // The URL of the report file crviewer.EnableRefreshButton = true; // Enable the refresh button crviewer.EnablePrintButton = true; // Enable the print button crviewer.EnableExportButton = true; // Enable the export button crviewer.EnableSearchControl = true; // Enable the search control crviewer.EnableGroupTree = true; // Enable the group tree // Load the report file crviewer.ViewReport();

  • Save and run the web page in Internet Explorer. You should see the report displayed in the CRViewer object, with some buttons and controls to interact with it.

Note that you may need to adjust some security settings in Internet Explorer to allow ActiveX controls to run. You may also need to install some additional components on your server, such as Crystal Reports Runtime or Business Objects Enterprise, depending on how you generate and host your report files.

How to Use Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI in a Windows Application

If you want to embed and display Crystal Reports files in a Windows application, you can use the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI as an ActiveX control. This means that you can add the library as a component to your Windows application and use its methods and properties to manipulate the reports. Here are the steps to use the library in a Windows application:

  • Create a new Windows application project in your preferred development environment, such as Visual Studio or Visual Basic.

  • Add a reference to the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI to your project. You can do this by browsing to the CRViewer.dll file that you registered on your client computer.

  • Add a CRViewer control to your main form. You can do this by dragging and dropping it from the toolbox or by writing some code.

Add some code to initialize the CRViewer control and load a report file. For example, using C#: // Get a reference to the CRViewer control CRAXDRT.ReportViewer crviewer = (CRAXDRT.ReportViewer)this.CRViewer1.GetOcx(); // Set some properties of the CRViewer control crviewer.ViewSource = @"C:\myreport.rpt"; // The path of the report file crviewer.EnableRefreshButton = true; // Enable the refresh button crviewer.EnablePrint Button = true; // Enable the print button crviewer.EnableExportButton = true; // Enable the export button crviewer.EnableSearchControl = true; // Enable the search control crviewer.EnableGroupTree = true; // Enable the group tree // Load the report file crviewer.ViewReport();

  • Build and run your Windows application. You should see the report displayed in the CRViewer control, with some buttons and controls to interact with it.

Note that you may need to install some additional components on your client computer, such as Crystal Reports Runtime or Business Objects Enterprise, depending on how you generate and host your report files.

How to Use Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI in a Delphi Application

If you want to integrate and customize Crystal Reports files in a Delphi application, you can use the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI as an ActiveX control. This means that you can import the library as a type library to your Delphi project and use its methods and properties to manipulate the reports. Here are the steps to use the library in a Delphi application:

  • Create a new Delphi project in your preferred development environment, such as Delphi 7 or later.

  • Import the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI as a type library to your project. You can do this by selecting Project -> Import Type Library from the menu and choosing the CRViewer.dll file that you registered on your client computer.

  • Add a TCRViewer control to your main form. You can do this by dragging and dropping it from the component palette or by writing some code.

Add some code to initialize the TCRViewer control and load a report file. For example, using Delphi: // Get a reference to the TCRViewer control var crviewer: TCRViewer; crviewer := TCRViewer(Self.CRViewer1); // Set some properties of the TCRViewer control crviewer.ViewSource := 'C:\myreport.rpt'; // The path of the report file crviewer.EnableRefreshButton := True; // Enable the refresh button crviewer.EnablePrintButton := True; // Enable the print button crviewer.EnableExportButton := True; // Enable the export button crviewer.EnableSearchControl := True; // Enable the search control crviewer.EnableGroupTree := True; // Enable the group tree // Load the report file crviewer.ViewReport;

  • Compile and run your Delphi application. You should see the report displayed in the TCRViewer control, with some buttons and controls to interact with it.

Note that you may need to install some additional components on your client computer, such as Crystal Reports Runtime or Business Objects Enterprise, depending on how you generate and host your report files.

How to Troubleshoot Common Issues with Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI

Although the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI is a powerful and flexible tool, it is not without its flaws. Sometimes, you may encounter some errors or issues when using the library in your web or desktop applications. In this section, we will show you how to troubleshoot some of the most common issues with Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI and how to fix them.

How to Fix the Error "Unable to Load Client Print Control"

This error occurs when you try to print a report from the CRViewer control, but the print control is not installed or registered on your client computer. To fix this error, you need to install and register the print control manually. Here are the steps to do so:

  • Locate the file on your server. Depending on the version of Crystal Reports or Business Objects Enterprise that is installed, this would be in either the C:\Program Files (x86)\Business Objects\common\ or C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Business Objects or Crystal Decisions path under the ActiveXControls folder.

  • Copy the file to your client computer.

  • Extract the .cab file into a local folder.

  • Open a command prompt as an administrator and navigate to the folder where you extracted the .cab file.

Run the following command to register the print control on your client computer: regsvr32 /s PrintControl.dll

  • Close the command prompt and delete the .cab file and the extracted folder.

This should resolve the error and allow you to print reports from the CRViewer control.

How to Fix the Error "Failed to Open the Connection"

This error occurs when you try to open a report from the CRViewer control, but the connection to the data source is not valid or accessible. This could be due to several reasons, such as incorrect connection settings, network issues, firewall restrictions, or database changes. To fix this error, you need to check and update the connection information of your report file. Here are the steps to do so:

  • Open your report file in Crystal Reports.

  • Select Database -> Set Datasource Location from the menu.

  • In the Set Datasource Location dialog box, expand the Current Data Source node and the Replace With node.

  • Select the data source that you want to update and click Update.

  • Enter the correct connection information, such as server name, database name, user name, and password.

  • Click OK to save the changes and close the dialog box.

  • Select Database -> Verify Database from the menu to confirm that the connection is working.

  • Save and close your report file.

This should resolve the error and allow you to open reports from the CRViewer control.

How to Fix the Error "Invalid TLV Record"

This error occurs when you try to open a report from the CRViewer control, but the report file is corrupted or incompatible with the library. This could be due to several reasons, such as file damage, version mismatch, or encryption issues. To fix this error, you need to repair or convert your report file. Here are some possible solutions:

  • If your report file is damaged, you can try to recover it using a backup copy or a recovery tool. For example, you can use Stellar Repair for Crystal Reports to scan and repair your report file.

  • If your report file is incompatible with the library, you can try to convert it using Crystal Reports. For example, if your report file is created with a newer version of Crystal Reports than the library, you can use Crystal Reports to save it as an older version that is compatible with the library.

  • If your report file is encrypted with a password or a key, you can try to decrypt it using Crystal Reports. For example, if your report file is encrypted with a key that is stored on a server, you can use Crystal Reports to remove the key from the report file.

These solutions should resolve the error and allow you to open reports from the CRViewer control.


The Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI is a useful tool that allows you to view and interact with Crystal Reports files in your web or desktop applications. It has many features and benefits that make it easy and convenient to use. However, it also has some limitations and challenges that require some manual installation, configuration, and troubleshooting. In this article, we have shown you how to install, use, and troubleshoot the library in different environments. We hope that this article has helped you understand and appreciate the library better.

If you want to learn more about the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI, you can visit its official website and documentation. You can also download and try the library for free and see for yourself how it works. Whether you are a beginner or an expert in Crystal Reports, you will find the library useful and valuable for your reporting needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI:

Q: What are the advantages of using the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI over other report viewers?

A: Some of the advantages of using the library are:

  • It supports all features and formats of Crystal Reports files.

  • It allows you to interact with reports in various ways, such as zooming, searching, drilling down, filtering, exporting, and printing.

  • It can be used in different environments, such as web browsers, Windows applications, and Delphi applications.

  • It is free and easy to download and install.

Q: What are the disadvantages of using the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI over other report viewers?

A: Some of the disadvantages of using the library are:

  • It requires manual installation and registration on each client computer.

  • It only works with Internet Explorer as a web browser.

  • It may encounter some errors or issues that require troubleshooting.

Q: How can I customize or extend the functionality of the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI?

A: You can customize or extend the functionality of the library by using its methods and properties to control its behavior and appearance. For example, you can use the following methods and properties to customize the library:

  • The DisplayToolbar property to show or hide the toolbar.

  • The DisplayGroupTree property to show or hide the group tree.

  • The EnableLogonPrompt property to enable or disable the logon prompt.

  • The EnableParameterPrompt property to enable or disable the parameter prompt.

  • The EnableAnimationControl property to enable or disable the animation control.

  • The Zoom method to set the zoom level of the report.

  • The PrintReport method to print the report.

  • The ExportReport method to export the report.

  • The Refresh method to refresh the report.

You can also extend the functionality of the library by using its events to handle user actions and report changes. For example, you can use the following events to extend the library:

  • The StartPageChanged event to handle when the user changes the start page of the report.

  • The GroupTreeClicked event to handle when the user clicks on a group in the group tree.

  • The DrillDownSubreport event to handle when the user drills down into a subreport.

  • The PrintButtonClicked event to handle when the user clicks on the print button.

  • The ExportButtonClicked event to handle when the user clicks on the export button.

Q: How can I update or upgrade the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI?

A: You can update or upgrade the library by downloading and installing the latest version from its official website. You can also check for updates or patches from your Crystal Reports or Business Objects Enterprise software. However, you may need to uninstall and reinstall the library on your client computer after updating or upgrading it. You may also need to update or upgrade your report files to make them compatible with the new version of the library.

Q: How can I get help or support for the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI?

A: You can get help or support for the library by visiting its official website and documentation. You can also access its online forums and communities, where you can ask questions, share tips, and learn from other users. You can also contact its technical support team, who can assist you with any issues or problems that you may have with the library.

Q: Where can I download and try the Crystal ActiveX Report Viewer Library XI for free?

A: You can download and try the library for free from its official website. You can also download and try some sample reports that demonstrate its features and capabilities. You can use these reports as templates or examples for creating your own reports. To download and try the library for free, click here.



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