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Chase Hatchery Group

Public·654 members

Scott Piligrimm
Scott Piligrimm

I was saving a file when my laptop shut down, and nothing got saved I’m writing about this now after some time has passed, so I’ve calmed down. But at the time, I thought it was the end of the world because it was a very important project that I had finally finished. Now I’ve sorted everything out and resolved it, but it would be good to understand why this happened and fix the issue so it doesn’t happen again in the future.

Thomas Garsia
Thomas Garsia
Oct 31, 2024

If it’s about sleep mode, you can turn it off in just a few seconds, which can save you tons of stress in the future. I’ve had similar issues with file saving and exporting projects, so I quickly googled what this sleep mode is about and how to turn it off. It’s actually pretty easy to do in settings. And I’ve realized that as long as my laptop is on, I prefer the screen to always stay "on," with no standby modes, sleep modes, or anything like that.


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