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How much roon do I need for my chickens?An area of 2-3 quare feet per mature bird is ideal depending on size of bird.
My birds are pecking at each other, how do I stop them from pecking?"Make sure the birds are not overcrowding each other. Also stress, feed deficiencies, illness and boredom all cause feather pecking. Add grass clippings or leafy alfalfa hay to the pen to eliminate boredom. If this does not work, you may try an anti-peck spray or anti-peck device which fits over the beak.
Can I have the beaks trimmed on the baby chicks?We do not offer beak trimming service for the simple fact that the beak will grow back if the procedure is performed on birds under 6 weeks old. If you decide to have the beaks trimmed we recommend having it done before the birds start to lay.
When will my hens start laying eggs?It varies from breed to breed. Some breeds will start to lay as early as 17 weeks old and other breeds may take up to 30 weeks before they start to lay. All hens need enough sunlight to lay. It is common for hens to not lay between the months of October through March, but don't worry, all hens are born with however many eggs they will lay in their lifetime, so if they take a break during the colder months, they will lay for a longer period of time.
Can I put the new chicks in with my existing older chickens?It is not recommended as the older, larger birds may peck on the smaller, younger birds. They can be put together if you wait until the birds are similar in size. Some pecking may still occur in the beginning, but after a few days the birds should settle into a new pecking order.
How many roosters do I need for my hens in order to have fertile eggs?We recommend 1 rooster for every 6-8 hens. Keep in mind, hens will lay eggs without a rooster present but the eggs will not be fertile.
Can I put Turkeys in with my chickens?We do not recommend mixing breeds of poultry together in the same pen due to the fact they can pick up a disease called blackhead.
How many nest holes do I need for my hens?Figure on about 7 hens per nest box hole.
My eggs are soft and keep breaking what can I do?This comes from a deficiency in their diet and you need to increase the amount of calcium or vitamin D the hens are receiving. Adding Oyster shell to their feed will also help harden the shell.
Should I medicate my birds for worms right away?You can do it before they start laying, but if you medicate them after they start laying, you must wait 30 days after treatment before you can use the eggs.
How much light do my birds need once they begin to lay eggs?For maximum egg production, it is recommended that hens get 14 hours of continuous light each day. They need periods of darkness as well. It is best to monitor the amount of light they receive with a timer set to turn on and off consistently at the same time every day.
How do I get my chickens to lay in the nest box and not on the floor?In order to coax your chickens to use the nest box, it should be located 18 to 20 inches from the floor. Also, try to eliminate any dark corners as they like to hide in dark spots to feel protected while laying an egg.
What is causing my chickens to loose their feathers?Chickens go through a normal molting stage at about 18 months old. This molting period usually lasts for 3 to 4 months. Egg production will cease during the molting period, but will resume at a slower rate after the birds end molting.
What is the longest time I can store my eggs before I set them in the incubator?Your eggs can be stored up to 7 days and will not significantly affect the hatching, but up to 14 days can definitely decrease your hatch.
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