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Chase Hatchery Group

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Michael Vogel
Michael Vogel

[PDF] The Reading Mind: A Cognitive Approach To Understanding How The Mind Reads

i am a cognitive psychologist who has spent my career researching why children are not good at reading. i have taught reading, tutored students in reading, and consulted with teachers to help them understand their students' reading problems. i read thousands of research articles each year, and often recommend my favorites to colleagues. i also keep up with what i consider to be the most important reading research, and i offer it to teachers, researchers, and students. my goal is to help teachers build a strong reading foundation for children so they may enjoy reading, and do so in a way that helps them succeed in school and later in life. in this book, i offer a thoughtful, nuanced, and comprehensive approach to the problem of reading. i have organized the book around six key ideas. i explain how students acquire skills needed for reading, such as decoding, and how they learn to read in ways that are not specific to reading. i also explain what i believe is the best way to teach reading to a range of students, and i offer practical suggestions for overcoming the many barriers that can make teaching reading difficult. finally, i address the question of how we might develop more effective reading programs for children who have little formal schooling.

[PDF] The Reading Mind: A Cognitive Approach to Understanding How the Mind Reads

the key to reading is learning to recognize words. phonemes are the building blocks of language. each of us uses about 150 unique sounds, or phonemes, to make words. if we are to read well, we need to learn to recognize these sounds. we do this by starting with our native language and then learning to recognize these sounds. the sounds of english are similar to the sounds of spanish, but the sounds of english are much more variable and much more unusual than the sounds of spanish. the sounds of english also often change over time. english has emerged as the dominant language, and much of its sounds have changed over time. we may start with the sounds of our native language, but we end up reading the words of a new language.


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